White sweetclover in Alaska - invasive plants

Title: White Sweetclover - Controlling the Spread of Invasive Plants in Right of Ways

Description: Self-paced independent study online course worth 1 Continuing Education Unit for certified pesticide applicators of Alaska. This course details the biology, impact, and management of the invasive plant white sweetclover as well as decision tools for control and how to report invasive species. This course is a single module.
If you have any questions, or need accommodations please contact Gino Graziano gagraziano@alaska.edu or 907-786-6315
Accommodation requests related to a disability should be made five business days in advance to Graziano. Language access services, such as interpretation or translation of vital information, will be provided free of charge to individuals with limited English proficiency upon request to amnorris2@alaska.edu. UAF is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer, educational institution and provider and prohibits illegal discrimination against any individual: www.alaska.edu/nondiscrimination.

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