You can pay class, workshop and conference registration fees or pay a specific invoice using this site.
If registering for a class, workshop or conference you will be asked for the registrant's information as well as for contact/cardholder & billing information.
You may "Register" as a User for the site or you can select "Continue Unregistered" when prompted. If you register as a user, the system will save your contact/cardholder billing information for future registrations/purchases.
Alaska 4-H
Invoice Payments
Matanuska Experiment Farm and Extension Center
Online Workshops and Classes
Workshops & Classes
Anchorage District
Bethel District
Mat-Su District
Southeast District
Tanana Valley District
CFPM: Certified Food Protection Manager
Health and Family
Alaska Pesticide Education & Invasive Species
CES Paid Publications
Georgeson Botanical Garden
Grow & Tell
OneTree Alaska