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Alaska Native Language Publication Store News

From November to December, all proceessing and shipping may take up to five days! We kindly ask you for your patience.

ANLC will be closed December 23rd through Janurary 1st. All orders received during this time peroid will be shipped after January 2nd.

Transitioning from CDs to USB Drives

All audios and programs will no longer be offered on CD disks. Instead encrypted USB drive fob with a copy of the audio or program is now avaliable. 

The e-store have 14 audios and/or short program to choose from. Each USBs is $10.

For questions about the use of USBs or request for more than one audios being placed on a single USB fob, please reach out to uaf-anlc@alaska.com.

F.A.Q. section coming soon.

ANLC Publication Spotlight

Dinjii Zhuh Ky’àa Yahdii (Yahdii in the Native Tradition: A Gwich'in (Dene) Star Chart) -

The Alaska Native Language Center has published a star chart, based on traditional Gwich’in knowledge, that was produced by researchers Christopher Cannon and Paul Herbert, with illustrator Mareca Guthrie.

This chart is a product of more than a decade of research with Gwich’in traditional knowledge bearers and the first-ever star chart for a Northern Dene language. As a whole-sky constellation, the chart depicts the spirit of the ancient Gwich’in Traveler-Transformer figure, Ch’iteehàawkaii, arched over Earth as a teacher, protector, ally, and the embodiment of the world who continues to travel overhead on his snow-packed Milky Way trail.